Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I hope to learn in CS3216

Well here I am finally taking up the module I have been intending to do since I first heard of it (which was in year 1 semester 2). This is one module I am very excited and at the same time nervous about taking on - CS3216.

From all I have gathered so far, contemplating umpteen times before in previous semesters on whether to take up CS3216 in that semester or not, CS3216 is a semester long journey - a journey of learning with many an obstacle to overcome. Of course, this blog is going to be all about what I have learnt, the obstacles I have faced, my triumphs as well as my failures (success is inevitable without failure), but this post is only about what I hope to learn in this tryst of mine with CS3216. Everybody likes clear and concise bullet points and so that is what I am going to give everyone.

  • My relationship with JAVA and C++ is quite long now and so I guess it is time to explore new languages. Have done small time work with PHP, Groovy etc. and I hope to increase my competence  in these areas and level up my programming skills.
  • Up to speed with Mobile/Web Dev: Most of my projects so far have been on the desktop using either C++,  JAVA, Swing and so on. It is time to delve into the exciting world of web and mobile development.
  • A little from everyone: Working with new faces, brilliant minds and really inspired people from across diverse faculties, each with different areas of expertise and with all kinds of knowledge to offer. Building something with such people is an experience of a lifetime.
  • Communication skills: Such stuff isn't meant to be learnt from books (Heck its tough to learn book-stuff  from books) and I hope I can finally hope to learn to express my views and ideas clearly. One of my interviewers for an intern recently told me I am 'shy' and need to be more confident (Yeah, I did do IS2101 and even got a B+). Well, through interacting with different people I hope I can change this. The intention is bold, lets hope I get so too.
  • Collaboration and Team work: I feel it is really important to quickly bond with the people you are working with. Any amount of misunderstanding is always counter-productive. Most of my projects so far I have always done with people I already knew (Infact we take up the module together and if all of us don't get it we relegate it for another semester :P). What we can achieve as a team is really remarkable. After all, None of us are smarter than all of us.
  • Time Management?? Professor Ben said sleep all you want before the 11th of August. Can we manage our time so as to get enough sleep and can the myth of programmers not getting enough sleep be finally broken? A lofty goal indeed and I must say I am light years away from any sort of proper Time Management (Managing physical stuff in my room isn't all too easy and time is something that is difficult to just keep track of)
Of course the sky is the limit and I hope to learn as much as I can from this 'journey'. 
For now, I am filled with excitement and ready to embark.
Anchors away, Ahoy there 3216...


  1. Your hopes for CS3216 seem pretty on target. If you will just put in the required effort into doing the assignments and projects, I suspect you will be right on the money.

    I guess we'd see in 13 weeks. :-)

  2. Thanks Professor Ben. Hope you got home to a nice and peaceful(:P) dinner. Inspired to see you commenting away at 4AM :) and yes I hope I don't disappoint myself.

  3. It is rumored that I do not need to sleep. :-)

    False I tell you. :-P
